sábado, 8 de maio de 2010


Doesn't this feeling go away? God it hurts like hell, seems like a blade cutting up my soul, acid melting my heart.
Maybe I deserve to feel so lonely in this crowd, I know I have my friends, but sometimes I feel like I'm loosing them because of who I became, so cold, answering badly, pretending I don't care about anything or anyone, I hide my true feelings, I don't want them to see how fragile I'm right now, how I long for a hug, how much I feel like crying.
I'm sitting here in my room, it's so silent I can hear my own thought, my own breathing, my heartbeating, the tears   falling. If only I could stop this heart from becoming a stone, from my soul get lost in nowhere, If only I could smile withou faking....

1 comentário:

Janine disse...

If you can't top it, steal from them and go out strong:
"O tempo endurece qualquer armadura
E às vezes custa arrancar
Muralhas erguidas à volta do peito
Que não deixam partir nem deixam chegar"